A Drum Cafe session is a powerful way to open or close conferences.
To revitalise and re-focus participants between presentations or before speeches or awards. Drum Cafe is also a great option as a keynote address.
Traditionally, drumming has been used as a prelude to community functions. Open your conference with group drumming and get off to a powerful start. Drumming quickly breaks the ice and breaks barriers between participants. To relax and invigorate participants, treat them to a break-out drumming session in-between speeches and presentations. Since companies spend a lot of money arranging conferences, it's vital that participants remain focused and connected. Or, end with a drumming session to leave a lasting memory of the event, and leave participants feeling inspired!
"Our most memorable Conference ever"–Unilever.
Motorola Conference, Las Vegas.
Deutsche Leasing, 1 400 people, Frankfurt, October, 2005
Opening of the World Petroleum Conference
Unifem Conference with host Nicole Kidman - Hilton Hotel NYC - 2006
TATA Communications Conference, Thailand 2008
Women of Colour Multicultural Conference 2005, New York
Feel the energizing effects of the drum circle throughout the day, creating unity and camaraderie. Create the ideal start and ending leaving delegates relaxed, focused and connected. Adding an interactive element will make it exciting, energizing and unforgettable.
At the beginning of a conference, people are coming from different areas within an organization and sometimes from different parts of the world. The Drum Cafe corporate team building and entertainment facilitators get these gatherings off to a great start, by creating an energy which in turn creates a bonding and a breaking down of barriers.
At the end of a conference, it is important for the attendees to leave with memorable impressions, a sense of accomplishment and a sense of having had a good time. Having the Drum Cafe close your conference, fulfills these objectives and allows people to leave with memorable impressions of a sense of bonding and a great time.
In the middle of the day. During the course of any conference there comes a point, where attendees' energy levels drop off. Nothing like a Drum Cafe "pick em up" in the middle of the conference to get delegates back on track.
Attendees tend to be left brain oriented, overusing their mathematical and logical side of their brain. Intervening with a Drum Cafe event encourages right brain activity, thereby stimulating the creativity needed to think out of the box.
Drum Cafe’s unique conference program has the power to transform, inspire, move and motivate your organization. Say goodbye to boring conferences, and hello to a motivated and excited company. Let one of our conference planners help suggest a program by clicking below: